module.exports = { branches: 'stable', tagFormat: 'release/${version}', plugins: [ ['@semantic-release/commit-analyzer', { preset: 'angular', releaseRules: './release-rules.js', }], '@semantic-release/release-notes-generator', ['@semantic-release/changelog', { changelogFile: 'docs/', changelogTitle: '# Changelog', }], ['@semantic-release/git', { assets: ['docs'], message: 'chore(release): ${nextRelease.version}\n\n${nextRelease.notes}' }], '@semantic-release/gitlab', ], generateNotes: { preset: 'angular', writerOpts: { // Required due to upstream bug preventing all types being displayed. // Bug: // Fix: transform: (commit, context) => { const issues = [] commit.notes.forEach(note => { note.title = `BREAKING CHANGES` }) // NOTE: Any changes here must be reflected in ``. if (commit.type === `feat`) { commit.type = `Features` } else if (commit.type === `fix`) { commit.type = `Bug Fixes` } else if (commit.type === `perf`) { commit.type = `Performance Improvements` } else if (commit.type === `revert`) { commit.type = `Reverts` } else if (commit.type === `docs`) { commit.type = `Documentation` } else if (commit.type === `style`) { commit.type = `Styles` } else if (commit.type === `refactor`) { commit.type = `Code Refactoring` } else if (commit.type === `test`) { commit.type = `Tests` } else if (commit.type === `build`) { commit.type = `Build System` // } else if (commit.type === `chore`) { // commit.type = `Maintenance` } else if (commit.type === `ci`) { commit.type = `Continuous Integration` } else { return } if (commit.scope === `*`) { commit.scope = `` } if (typeof commit.hash === `string`) { commit.shortHash = commit.hash.substring(0, 7) } if (typeof commit.subject === `string`) { let url = context.repository ? `${}/${context.owner}/${context.repository}` : context.repoUrl if (url) { url = `${url}/issues/` // Issue URLs. commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, (_, issue) => { issues.push(issue) return `[#${issue}](${url}${issue})` }) } if ( { // User URLs. commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/\B@([a-z0-9](?:-?[a-z0-9/]){0,38})/g, (_, username) => { if (username.includes('/')) { return `@${username}` } return `[@${username}](${}/${username})` }) } } // remove references that already appear in the subject commit.references = commit.references.filter(reference => { if (issues.indexOf(reference.issue) === -1) { return true } return false }) return commit }, }, }, };