Bruno Boiget authoredBruno Boiget authored
svelte.config.js 2.08 KiB
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node';
const config = {
// options passed to svelte.compile (https://svelte.dev/docs#compile-time-svelte-compile)
compilerOptions: {},
// an array of file extensions that should be treated as Svelte components
extensions: ['.svelte'],
preprocess: preprocess({
transformers: {
scss: {
includePaths: ['node_modules', 'src'],
postcss: {
plugins: [
overrideBrowserslist: 'last 2 versions',
package: {
dir: 'package',
emitTypes: true,
// excludes all .d.ts and files starting with _ as the name
exports: filepath => !/^_|\/_|\.d\.ts$/.test(filepath),
files: () => true,
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
appDir: '_app',
csp: {
mode: 'auto',
directives: {
'default-src': undefined,
// ...
moduleExtensions: ['.js', '.ts'],
files: {
assets: 'static',
hooks: {client: 'src/hooks.js', server: 'src/hooks.js'},
lib: 'src/lib',
params: 'src/params',
routes: 'src/routes',
serviceWorker: 'src/service-worker',
appTemplate: 'src/app.html',
inlineStyleThreshold: 0,
outDir: '.svelte-kit',
paths: {
assets: '',
base: '',
prerender: {
concurrency: 1,
crawl: true,
entries: ['*'],
handleHttpError: 'fail',
serviceWorker: {
register: true,
files: filepath => !/\.DS_Store/.test(filepath),
version: {
name: Date.now().toString(),
pollInterval: 0,
// SvelteKit uses vite-plugin-svelte. Its options can be provided directly here.
// See the available options at https://github.com/sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte/blob/main/docs/config.md
// options passed to svelte.preprocess (https://svelte.dev/docs#compile-time-svelte-preprocess)
preprocess: null,
export default config;