Meteor test "admin can update app settings" regularly fails with a timeout error
Exemple d'exécution :
I20230717-14:29:29.327(0)? Initialize logger
I20230717-14:29:29.328(0)? ✓ normal users can not update app settings
I20230717-14:29:29.328(0)? 1) "before each" hook: wrappedFunction for "admin can update app settings"
I20230717-14:31:09.410(0)? 315 passing (2m)
I20230717-14:31:09.410(0)? 1 failing
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? 1) appsettings
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? methods
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? "before each" hook: wrappedFunction for "admin can update app settings":
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)
I20230717-14:31:09.411(0)? at processTimers (internal/timers.js:500:7)