Projects with this topic
AWX configuration files examples
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AWX port under Debian
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Ansible role to install AWX on Debian (AWX Debian port)
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Ansible playbook to install AWX on Debian (AWX Debian port)
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Scripts to deploy Kubernetes cluster through Kubespray
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Ansible playbook to deploy OpenNebula VMS
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Ansible role to deploy Open Nebula VMs.
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Ansible role to upgrade Debian OS
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Ansible role to install / uninstall packages
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Ansible playbook to install Hashicorp Packer
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Ansible role to install Hashicorp Packer
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Use PAM + SSH agent for sudo auth
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Script to deploy an PostrgreSQL cluster, from VMs deployment to PGSQL instance launch.
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Ansible role to install and configure pglift
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Ansible role to install a PostgreSQL instance with PGlift
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Ansible role to launch postgreSQL backup, restore
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Ansible playbook to launch pgsql backup / restore.
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Ansible playbook to install PGSQL instance and create DB + user
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Ansible playbook to deploy PostgreSQL cluster
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Ansible role to install PostgreSQL