In order to install or build, you need to have (ubuntu package names are given):
- a working "python3" installation (>= 3.6)
- "python3-requests" : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
- "python3-setuptools" : https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/
- "git" command line utility
Install zephir-client as python script (recommended) :
run "sudo ./install.sh"
This script does install :
- tiramisu-cmdline-parser and tiramisu-json-api python libraries (cloned from repository)
- zephir-client python libraries
- zephir-client python script as /usr/local/bin/zcli
Build zephir-client binary (alternate method) :
You need to have "pyinstaller" in your machine (https://www.pyinstaller.org/)
Start build.sh : For now this scripts does this :
- clone Tiramisu-cmd-line parser from https://framagit.org/tiramisu/tiramisu-cmdline-parser.git
- clone Tiramisu-json-api from https://framagit.org/tiramisu/tiramisu-json-api.git
- Run pyinstaller to create the "binary" (may fail if pyinstaller not in PATH)
$ sudo ./build.sh
This script provides a zcli binary in "dist" directory. It can be copied and run on a different system as long as glibc version is compatible
- run "zcli -h" (or "zcli --help") for more information.