semantic-release-bot authored
## [1.2.0-testing.1](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite-blog-front/compare/release/1.1.1...release/1.2.0-testing.1) (2022-07-01) ### Features * **env:** add adapter to generate build ([ba76c35e](ba76c35e)) * **env:** change env handling ([377d0cdc](377d0cdc)) * **structure:** migrate & structure ([81681bff](81681bff)) * **ui:** host fontAnsome icons and fonts localy ([7468ebb9](7468ebb9)) ### Bug Fixes * **articles:** fix mardown color syntax plugin ([2a373c22](2a373c22)) * **audit:** update libraries, add license ([609ccd3c](609ccd3c)) * **authors:** display structures ([18f38324](18f38324)) * **authors:** prevent too many api calls on authors card ([50d39e53](50d39e53)) * **build:** start refactor of Dockerfile ([69e309e3](69e309e3)) * **docker:** alignment, declare port only once ([96c267a1](96c267a1)) * **Dockerfile:** Replace npm by yarn ([afe9adbc](afe9adbc)) * **docker:** remove useless step during build ([dae820b6](dae820b6)) * **Dokerfile:** Update for svelte kit ([6af884ca](6af884ca)) * **env:** add new env variables ([b5bfa2b1](b5bfa2b1)) * **favoris:** fix groups fav display and hide fav button for academies ([664443f6](664443f6)) * **package:** update package-lock ([115037da](115037da)) * **styles:** change images routes & improve modified pugin ([aa349025](aa349025)) * **ui:** add font import in layout ([62dce6ce](62dce6ce)) * **ui:** add missing imports ([8f704a59](8f704a59)) * **ui:** remove console log in FavoritesResearch component ([8438658b](8438658b)) * **ui:** resize eole logo ([2010ab97](2010ab97)) ### Code Refactoring * **ui:** change logo in nav bar ([2b808512](2b808512)) * **ui:** change spinner logo ([edf4f48c](edf4f48c)) ### Continuous Integration * **build:** create the docker image and push it to `${CI_REGISTRY}` ([02d6d94c](02d6d94c)) * **commitlint:** enforce commit message format ([54c1539d](54c1539d)) * **release:** avoid regression in `dev` branch ([8ebe2545](8ebe2545)) * **release:** create release automatically with `semantic-release` ([a32f2231](a32f2231)) * **release:** tag docker images based on release cycle ([b02d0729](b02d0729)) * **test:** verify dependencis, build and code tests ([14f7b07f](14f7b07f))
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