Daniel Dehennin authored
Create new release when merge requests are merged into the `$STABLE_BRANCH` branch. Create prerelease on push to `$TESTING_BRANCH` * .gitlab-ci.yml: execute a new stage `release` for the new `semantic-release` include. * .releaserc.cjs: use `.cjs` extension to avoid being treated as ES module file. Configure `stableBranch` for release and `betaBranch` for prerelease. Create `docs/CHANGELOG.md` for stable branch and publish new releases on Gitlab. Build npm package and publish the tarball with the release. Create semantic version update rules based on `docs/CONTRIBUTING.md`.
Daniel Dehennin authoredCreate new release when merge requests are merged into the `$STABLE_BRANCH` branch. Create prerelease on push to `$TESTING_BRANCH` * .gitlab-ci.yml: execute a new stage `release` for the new `semantic-release` include. * .releaserc.cjs: use `.cjs` extension to avoid being treated as ES module file. Configure `stableBranch` for release and `betaBranch` for prerelease. Create `docs/CHANGELOG.md` for stable branch and publish new releases on Gitlab. Build npm package and publish the tarball with the release. Create semantic version update rules based on `docs/CONTRIBUTING.md`.
.releaserc.cjs 4.39 KiB
// Build the configuration depending of the environnement
// When using prerelease branches, we don't want changelog to be generated
// See https://github.com/semantic-release/changelog/issues/51#issuecomment-682609394
// Gitlab reference name
const branch = process.env.CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME;
const gitAssets = [];
// Configure your branches names
const stableBranch = 'master';
// Assign a branch name to produce a `beta` prerelease tag
const betaBranch = 'testing';
// Assign a branch name to produce a `alpha` prerelease tag
const alphaBranch = undefined;
// Assign a branch name to produce a `dev` prerelease tag
const devBranch = undefined;
// Configure semantic-release plugins
const changelogFile = 'docs/CHANGELOG.md';
// Configure `conventionalcommits`
// See:
// - https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/issues/838
// - https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/issues/317
// - https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/pull/421
const commitTypes = [
{type: "build", section: "Build System", hidden: false},
{type: "chore", section: "Maintenance", hidden: true},
{type: "ci", section: "Continuous Integration", hidden: false},
{type: "docs", section: "Documentation", hidden: false},
{type: "feat", section: "Features", hidden: false},
{type: "fix", section: "Bug Fixes", hidden: false},
{type: "perf", section: "Performance Improvements", hidden: false},
{type: "refactor", section: "Code Refactoring", hidden: false},
{type: "revert", section: "Reverts", hidden: false},
{type: "style", section: "Styles", hidden: false},
{type: "test", section: "Tests", hidden: false},
const releaseRules = [
{ breaking: true, release: 'major' },
// { type: 'build', release: 'patch'},
// { type: 'chore', release: 'patch'},
// { type: 'ci', release: 'patch'},
{ type: 'docs', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'feat', release: 'minor' },
{ type: 'fix', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'perf', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'refactor', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'revert', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'style', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'test', release: 'patch' },
const semanticBranches = [stableBranch];
if (betaBranch) {
name: betaBranch,
prerelease: true
if (alphaBranch) {
name: alphaBranch,
prerelease: true
if (devBranch) {
name: devBranch,
prerelease: true
const config = {
branches: semanticBranches,
/* eslint no-template-curly-in-string: "off" */
tagFormat: 'release/${version}',
plugins: [
preset: 'conventionalcommits',
noteKeywords: breakingKeywords,
releaseRules: releaseRules,
types: commitTypes,
preset: 'conventionalcommits',
noteKeywords: breakingKeywords,
types: commitTypes,
if (
!Array.isArray(config.branches) ||
config.branches.some((it) => it === branch || (it.name === branch && !it.prerelease))
) {
// Generate changelog for release branch
changelogFile: changelogFile,
changelogTitle: '# Changelog',
// We need to update package*.json
// Make sure to modify pkgRoot and gitAssets lines for your needs
npmPublish: false,
tarballDir: 'dist',
// Commit changes and create release on Gitlab
assets: gitAssets,
message: 'chore(release): ${nextRelease.version}\n\n${nextRelease.notes}',
module.exports = config;