Generate new testing version
1.4.0 (2022-11-22)
- articles: hide tags card if article hasn't tags (414514f)
- button: add tooltip on all favorites button (56b1953)
- config: add prettier in project (355a01a)
- config: add svelte plugin for prettier (ee73449)
Bug Fixes
- academies: change sort order in academies page (cdaf6cc)
- authorcard: add unknown author case (7f591d1)
- favoritesGroup: add container for spacing each card (471030d)
- footer: get appsettings from laboite to generate footer links (8fb7970)
- prettier: format all svelte file with prettier new config (a4ae51c)
Code Refactoring
- title: change page title from la boite le blog to la boite (e6c95e0)