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Generate a new master

Lionel Morin requested to merge testing into master

1.11.0-testing.1 (2024-05-17)


  • about: add style and modal (9456872)
  • about: last text modification (d9d90c6)
  • git: update git ignore file (0b77d42)

Bug Fixes

  • about: change wiki eole by eole (c71472e)
  • about: fix page in mobile view (fa96721)
  • accent: update acccent sensitive function (f9e9793)
  • ci: disable allow failure for tests (d358f7e)
  • file: delete unwanted file vite config (3a636d6)
  • footer: fix link in footer for about page (5240a86)
  • link: redirect link for about page was wrong (53e1f07)
  • translation: fix some useless translation (5df7aff)
  • traslate: update missing english translation (65799bc)

Merge request reports