Commits on Source (13)
Daniel Dehennin authored
- use configuration file in YAML format `.commitlintrc.yaml` - use `/templates/Git.yaml` instead of old `/templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml` - the `commitlint` job must extends `.git:commitlint`
f88c78df -
Daniel Dehennin authored
- merge configuration files in standardised `.releaserc.js`. - use new standard job `.semantic-release:*` in `/templates/Semantic-release.yaml` instead of old `/templates/Release/Semantic-release.yaml`. - define the `new release` and `testing prerelease` jobs.
2e98fab5 -
Daniel Dehennin authored
- use new standard jobs `.docker:image:build` - build on release and testing tags - build on all branches and before the release, if the docker build fails, the release should not be created - build on `dev` branch after the `merge-to-dev` job (i.e accept `semantic-release` commits for `dev` only)
c648d1a9 -
Daniel Dehennin authored
- use new standard jobs `.docker:image:tag` - sync the tag `rules` with the `build-docker` job - tag on `dev` branch after the `merge-to-dev` job (i.e. accept `semantic-release` commits for `dev` only) - remove the useless `RELEASE_PREFIX` since `/templates/Rules.yaml` define the `RELEASE_TAG_PREFIX`.
b1701c56 -
Daniel Dehennin authoredf8246afe
Daniel Dehennin authored
Make sure the whole pipeline run before creating a new release and on `dev` branch after `merge-to-dev` job.
ce2fb0e9 -
Luc Bourdot authored
Resolve "Generate testing prerelease" Closes #3 See merge request !16
98b9bbbc -
Lionel Morin authored
Merge dev into testing See merge request !17
5a12006b -
Lionel Morin authored49efa649
Joël Cuissinat authored
Resolve "Restreindre la capacité de liste de l'api Users" Closes #4 See merge request !19
42a3a110 -
Lionel Morin authored
Create new testing See merge request !20
2cc15879 -
Lionel Morin authored
Create new stable See merge request !21
062925d3 -
semantic-release-bot authored
## [1.1.0]( (2023-11-07) ### Features * **apikey:** secure access with LOOKUP_SERVER_API_KEY ([49efa649](49efa649)) ### Continuous Integration * **build-docker:** make sure build pass to create a release ([c648d1a9](c648d1a9)) * **commitlint:** use new standard job `.git:commitlint` ([f88c78df](f88c78df)) * **merge-to-dev:** use new standard jobs `.git:merge-to` ([f8246afe](f8246afe)) * **python:black:** test before generating a new release ([ce2fb0e9](ce2fb0e9)) * **semantic-release:** create `testing` prerelease ([2e98fab5](2e98fab5)) * **tag docker:** tag build created by release and prerelease ([b1701c56](b1701c56))
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
100644 → 0
100644 → 0
100644 → 0