- Dec 15, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
Users can override the variable in their `.gitlab-ci.yml` to select another docker image.
Daniel Dehennin authored
There is no need to add an upstream repository to access `${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH}` we just neet to fetch all references from `origin`. Avoid the use of `before_script` and `after_script` for users of the job to be able to extend it with them.
- Nov 26, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
This make a better distinction between `stable` software and software deployed in production. We define 3 branches: - `dev`: new developped features are integrated here, this is the default branch - `testing`: is a fork of `dev` when we want to prepare the next release, this is the branch from where release bugfixes are derived and merged back - `stable`: is where the `testing` branch is merged to produce a new release
- Nov 23, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
We define rules to match somewhate a git-flow style workflow to activate jobs: - `.not-on-prod`: on all branches except production - `.on-branches` : on supporting branches, i.e. everything except production and developpment - `.on-dev`: on developpment branch only - `.on-prod`: on production branch only - `.on-release-tag`: on the release tag only We always exclude pipeline triggered from schedule. * templates/Rules.yaml: define the new rules templates. * templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml (commitlint): execute on all branch except production.
Daniel Dehennin authored
* templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml (commitlint): use `$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH` as base to calculate the list of commits to check.
- Oct 20, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
This will permit other projects to [include](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#include) the defined templates The `templates/Rules.yaml` must be included and jobs will `extends` the templates depending at which moment they must be executed.
- Oct 11, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
* .gitlab-ci.yml: define only stage `lint` for now and run `commitlint` at that stage. * docs/CONTRIBUTING.md: describe the commit message formatting rules. * README.md: link to the contributing guide.