- Nov 30, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
semantic-release-bot authored
# 1.0.0 (2021-11-30) ### Continuous Integration * **codeowners:** define @EOLE group members as owners ([5f57f4a0](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@5f57f4a0)) * **commitlint:** master is not always the repository default branch ([48b9f29c](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@48b9f29c)) * **gitlab-ci:** split in reusable templates ([b39e36bd](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@b39e36bd)) * **gitlab:** add commit lint and its documentation ([dfea8470](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@dfea8470)) * **rules:** define git-flow style rules ([e8e12e8f](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@e8e12e8f)) ### Features * **docker:** build images and push them to `${CI_REGISTRY}` ([a18d1f90](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@a18d1f90)) * **docker:** tag images based on release cycle ([b82a232e](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@b82a232e)) * **gitlab-ci:** automatic release creation with semantic-release ([df922909](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@df922909)) * **rules:** we prefer release naming over production status ([b7c0cd0e](EOLE/infra/ci-tools@b7c0cd0e))
Daniel Dehennin authored
Daniel Dehennin authored
Daniel Dehennin authored
feat(docker): build and tag images during developpment cycle See merge request !10
Daniel Dehennin authored
We want to tag images based on the different steps of the release cycle: - `dev` images where developpement is integrated - `testing` images where releases are stabilised - `stable` images when the release is done - `major` tag with only the first digit of the semantic version, this tag will always point to the latest release of the major version - `minor` tag with only the first 2 digits of the semantic version, this tag will always point to the latest release of the minor version - `release` tag with the full semantic version - `latest`/`stable` point to the latest stable image Define `.tag-docker-image` template used by `*-docker-tag` jobs It tag the `${IMAGE_NAME}:${SOURCE_TAG}` with the tag `${IMAGE_TAG}` USAGE ===== foo-docker-tag-devel: extends: .tag-docker-image variables: IMAGE_TAG: 'devel' REQUIREMENTS ============ - A `release` stage must be present in your pipeline or it must be overriden by the extending job to feet your need. - The `.not-on-stable` rules template OPTIONAL VARIABLES ================== - `IMAGE_NAME`: defaults to `${CI_JOB_NAME}` with any suffix `-docker-tag*` removed - `SOURCE_TAG`: source image tag to retag, defaults to `git-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}` - `IMAGE_TAG`: image tag, defaults to `${CI_COMMIT_TAG}` with prefix `RELEASE_PREFIX` removed - `RELEASE_PREFIX`: prefix of the `RELEASE`, defaults to `release/` USED CI VARIABLES ================= - `CI_REGISTRY` - `CI_REGISTRY_USER` - `CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` - `CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE`
Daniel Dehennin authored
Define `.build-docker-image` template used by `*-docker-build` jobs It build the container image and push it to `${CI_REGISTRY}` USAGE ===== foo-docker-build: extends: .build-docker-image variables: DOCKERFILE: Some-specific.Dockerfile IMAGE_TAG: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG REQUIREMENTS ============ - A `build` stage must be present in your pipeline or it must be overriden by the extending job to feet your need. - The `.not-on-stable` rules template OPTIONAL VARIABLES ================== - `IMAGE_NAME`: defaults to `${CI_JOB_NAME}` with any suffix `-docker-build*` removed - `DOCKERFILE`: defaults, in order - to value set by the user - to `Dockerfile.${IMAGE_NAME}` if the file exists - to `Dockerfile` if the file exists - `IMAGE_TAG`: defaults to `git-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}` USED CI VARIABLES ================= - `CI_REGISTRY` - `CI_REGISTRY_USER` - `CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` - `CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE`
Daniel Dehennin authored
feat(gitlab-ci): automatic release creation with semantic-release See merge request !9
Daniel Dehennin authored
Create new release when merge requests are merged into the `$STABLE_BRANCH` branch. * templates/Release/Semantic-release.yaml: run `semantic-release` with the latest EOLE container for `$STABLE_BRANCH` branch if one of its configuration is present. * .gitlab-ci.yml: execute a new stage `release` for `semantic-release`. * release.config.js: create `docs/CHANGELOG.md` and publish new releases on Gitlab. Mangle commits to have links for users, issues and commits id. * release-rules.js: create semantic version update rules based on `docs/CONTRIBUTING.md`.
Daniel Dehennin authored
feat(rules): we prefer release naming over production status See merge request !8
- Nov 26, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
This make a better distinction between `stable` software and software deployed in production. We define 3 branches: - `dev`: new developped features are integrated here, this is the default branch - `testing`: is a fork of `dev` when we want to prepare the next release, this is the branch from where release bugfixes are derived and merged back - `stable`: is where the `testing` branch is merged to produce a new release
- Nov 23, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
ci(rules): define git-flow style rules See merge request !7
Daniel Dehennin authored
We define rules to match somewhate a git-flow style workflow to activate jobs: - `.not-on-prod`: on all branches except production - `.on-branches` : on supporting branches, i.e. everything except production and developpment - `.on-dev`: on developpment branch only - `.on-prod`: on production branch only - `.on-release-tag`: on the release tag only We always exclude pipeline triggered from schedule. * templates/Rules.yaml: define the new rules templates. * templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml (commitlint): execute on all branch except production.
Daniel Dehennin authored
ci(commitlint): master is not always the repository default branch See merge request !6
Daniel Dehennin authored
* templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml (commitlint): use `$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH` as base to calculate the list of commits to check.
- Oct 20, 2021
Philippe Caseiro authored
ci(gitlab-ci): split in reusable templates See merge request !5
Daniel Dehennin authored
This will permit other projects to [include](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#include) the defined templates The `templates/Rules.yaml` must be included and jobs will `extends` the templates depending at which moment they must be executed.
- Oct 12, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
ci(gitlab): add commit lint and its documentation See merge request !2
- Oct 11, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored
* .gitlab-ci.yml: define only stage `lint` for now and run `commitlint` at that stage. * docs/CONTRIBUTING.md: describe the commit message formatting rules. * README.md: link to the contributing guide.
Daniel Dehennin authored
ci(codeowners): define @EOLE group members as owners See merge request !3
Daniel Dehennin authored
This permit to notify the group for reviewing merge requests.
- Oct 07, 2021
Daniel Dehennin authored