semantic-release-bot authored
## [1.0.1](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/radicale_laboite/compare/release/1.0.0...release/1.0.1) (2022-01-17) ### Continuous Integration * **build:** create the docker image and push it to `${CI_REGISTRY}` ([a83b538f](a83b538f)) * **commitlint:** enforce commit message format ([a0307fce](a0307fce)) * **release:** avoid regression in `dev` branch ([9d3c342c](9d3c342c)) * **release:** create release automatically with `semantic-release` ([cf8bf239](cf8bf239)) * **release:** tag docker images based on release cycle ([fe406e9e](fe406e9e)) ### Documentation * **contributing:** explain commit message format ([cfda93fc](cfda93fc))
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.