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Commits on Source (10)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ft=yaml
- project: EOLE/infra/ci-tools
ref: stable
file: /templates/Rules.yaml
- project: EOLE/infra/ci-tools
ref: stable
file: /templates/Runners/
- project: EOLE/infra/ci-tools
ref: stable
file: /templates/Lint/Commitlint.yaml
- project: EOLE/infra/ci-tools
ref: stable
file: /templates/Release/Semantic-release.yaml
- project: EOLE/infra/ci-tools
ref: stable
file: /templates/Docker.yaml
# `ci-tools` default branch is `stable`
IMAGE_NAME: radicale
- initial-checks
- build
- release
# `initial-checks` stage: `commitlint`
stage: initial-checks
# `build` stage: `build-docker`
# Build on release tag and every branches except for `$STABLE_BRANCH`
# used only to create the release tag.
# The ordering is important:
# 1. exclude schedules and drafts
# 2. include `on-release-tag` which must match before `not-on-semantic-release-commit`
# 3. we exclude stable which just produce the release tag
# 4. we exclude `semantic-release` commits like when merging `release` on `dev`
# 5. run on every branches
extends: .build-docker-image
- !reference [.rules-map, not-on-schedule]
- !reference [.rules-map, not-on-draft]
- !reference [.rules-map, on-release-tag]
- !reference [.rules-map, not-on-stable]
- !reference [.rules-map, not-on-semantic-release-commit]
- !reference [.rules-map, on-branch]
# `release` stage: `semantic-release`, `merge-to-dev`, `tag`
# Avoid regression
stage: release
- .on-release-tag
image: ''
# Add `upstream` remote to get access to `upstream/dev`
# Use `${GITLAB_TOKEN}` for write permission
- "git remote show upstream 2> /dev/null || git remote add upstream ${CI_REPOSITORY_URL/${CI_JOB_TOKEN}/${GITLAB_TOKEN}}"
- 'git fetch --all'
- 'git checkout -b ${DEV_BRANCH} upstream/${DEV_BRANCH}'
- 'git merge --no-edit ${CI_COMMIT_TAG}'
- 'git push upstream ${DEV_BRANCH}'
# Remove `upstream` to avoid caching `CI_JOB_TOKEN`
- "git remote remove upstream"
## tag contribution branches with a more stable name than `git-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}`
tag contrib branch:
- .tag-docker-image
- .on-branches
# `feature/foo-bar_quux` → `feature-foo-bar-quux`
## dev images
tag dev:
- .tag-docker-image
- .on-dev
## testing images
tag testing:
- .tag-docker-image
- .on-testing
IMAGE_TAG: testing
## stable images
tag release:
extends: .tag-docker-image
tag major:
extends: .tag-docker-image
- export IMAGE_TAG=${RELEASE%%.*}
tag minor:
- .tag-docker-image
- export IMAGE_TAG=${RELEASE%.${RELEASE##*.}}
tag stable:
extends: .tag-docker-image
IMAGE_TAG: stable
tag latest:
extends: .tag-docker-image
IMAGE_TAG: latest
module.exports = {
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
rules: {
'body-max-line-length': [2, 'always', 120],
'footer-max-line-length': [2, 'always', 120],
'header-max-length': [2, 'always', 72],
# Changelog
## [1.0.1]( (2022-01-17)
### Continuous Integration
* **build:** create the docker image and push it to `${CI_REGISTRY}` ([a83b538](
* **commitlint:** enforce commit message format ([a0307fc](
* **release:** avoid regression in `dev` branch ([9d3c342](
* **release:** create release automatically with `semantic-release` ([cf8bf23](
* **release:** tag docker images based on release cycle ([fe406e9](
### Documentation
* **contributing:** explain commit message format ([cfda93f](
# How to contribute
This document will eventually outline all aspects of guidance to make your
contributing experience a fruitful and enjoyable one. What it already contains
is information about commit message formatting and how that directly affects
the numerous automated processes that are used for this repo.
## Overview
Submitting a merge request is more than just code! To achieve a quality
product, the tests and documentation need to be updated as well. An excellent
merge request will include these in the changes, wherever relevant.
## Commit message formatting
Since every type of change requires making Git commits, we will start by
covering the importance of ensuring that all of your commit messages are in the
correct format.
### Automation of multiple processes
This project uses
[semantic-release]( for
automating numerous processes such as bumping the version number appropriately,
creating new tags/releases and updating the changelog. The entire process
relies on the structure of commit messages to determine the version bump, which
is then used for the rest of the automation.
Full details are available in the upstream docs regarding
the [Conventionnal Commit Message Conventions](
The key factor is that the first line of the commit message must follow this format:
type(scope): subject
For example:
feat(libfoo): new API `foo.quux` deprecates ``
We create the new API `foo.quux` to better do things and mark
`` deprecated from version `1.3.4`.
* test/libfoo.t: test the new API `foo.quux`
* lib/ new API `foo.quux` and mark `` deprecated.
Besides the version bump, the changelog and release notes are formatted
accordingly. So based on the example above:
> Features
> - **libfoo**: new API `foo.quux` deprecates ``
- The `type` translates into a `Features` sub-heading.
- The `(scope)`: will be shown in bold text without the brackets.
- The `subject` follows the `scope` as standard text.
### Linting commit messages in CI
This project uses
[commitlint]( for checking
commit messages during CI testing. This ensures that they are in accordance
with the
For more details about the default settings, refer back to
the [`commitlint` reference rules](
### Relationship between commit type and version bump
This project applies some customisation to the defaults, as outlined in the
table below, based upon the type of the commit:
| Type | Heading | Description | Bump (default) | Bump (custom) |
| build | Build System | Changes related to the build system | – | _ |
| chore | – | Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation | – | _ |
| ci | Continuous Integration | Changes to the continuous integration configuration | – | _ |
| docs | Documentation | Documentation only changes | – | 0.0.1 |
| feat | Features | A new feature | 0.1.0 | 0.1.0 |
| fix | Bug Fixes | A bug fix | 0.0.1 | 0.0.1 |
| perf | Performance Improvements | A code change that improves performance | 0.0.1 | 0.0.1 |
| refactor | Code Refactoring | A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature | – | 0.0.1 |
| revert | Reverts | A commit used to revert a previous commit | – | 0.0.1 |
| style | Styles | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.) | – | 0.0.1 |
| test | Tests | Adding missing or correcting existing tests | – | 0.0.1 |
#### Scopes
Even if it is possible to
[limit the possible scopes](
like [in Angular](,
this project does not enforce them and let the contributors define meaningful
ones in their commits.
### Use `BREAKING CHANGE` to trigger a `major` version change
Adding `BREAKING CHANGE` to the footer of the extended description of the
commit message will **always** trigger a `major` version change, no matter
which type has been used. This will be appended to the changelog and release
notes as well. To preserve good formatting of these notes, the following format
is prescribed:
BREAKING CHANGE: <explanation in paragraph format>.
An example of that:
feat(api): remove the API deprecated before 1.4.0
To make the project maintainable, we need to cleanup some deprecated
The API deprecated after 1.4.0 are not concerned by this cleanup.
BREAKING CHANGE: the old API `` was deprecated since version 1.3.4 and is
removed now.
BREAKING CHANGE: the old API `foo.baz` was deprecated since version 1.2.6 and is
removed now.
// No release is triggered for the types commented out below.
// Commits using these types will be incorporated into the next release.
// NOTE: Any changes here must be reflected in ``.
module.exports = [
{ breaking: true, release: 'major' },
// {type: 'build', release: 'patch'},
// {type: 'chore', release: 'patch'},
// {type: 'ci', release: 'patch'},
{ type: 'docs', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'feat', release: 'minor' },
{ type: 'fix', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'perf', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'refactor', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'revert', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'style', release: 'patch' },
{ type: 'test', release: 'patch' },
// Build the configuration depending of the environnement
// When using prerelease branches, we don't want changelog to be generated
// See
// Gitlab reference name
const branch = process.env.CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME;
const gitAssets = [];
const config = {
branches: 'master',
/* eslint no-template-curly-in-string: "off" */
tagFormat: 'release/${version}',
plugins: [
preset: 'angular',
releaseRules: './release-rules.js',
if (
!Array.isArray(config.branches) ||
config.branches.some((it) => it === branch || ( === branch && !it.prerelease))
) {
// Generate changelog for release branch
changelogFile: 'docs/',
changelogTitle: '# Changelog',
// Commit changes and create release on Gitlab
assets: gitAssets,
message: 'chore(release): ${nextRelease.version}\n\n${nextRelease.notes}',
config.generateNotes = {
preset: 'angular',
writerOpts: {
// Required due to upstream bug preventing all types being displayed.
// Bug:
// Fix:
/* eslint no-param-reassign: ["error", { "props": true, "ignorePropertyModificationsFor": ["commit", "note"] }] */
transform: (commit, context) => {
const issues = [];
commit.notes.forEach((note) => {
note.title = `BREAKING CHANGES`;
// NOTE: Any changes here must be reflected in ``.
if (commit.type === `feat`) {
commit.type = `Features`;
} else if (commit.type === `fix`) {
commit.type = `Bug Fixes`;
} else if (commit.type === `perf`) {
commit.type = `Performance Improvements`;
} else if (commit.type === `revert`) {
commit.type = `Reverts`;
} else if (commit.type === `docs`) {
commit.type = `Documentation`;
} else if (commit.type === `style`) {
commit.type = `Styles`;
} else if (commit.type === `refactor`) {
commit.type = `Code Refactoring`;
} else if (commit.type === `test`) {
commit.type = `Tests`;
} else if (commit.type === `build`) {
commit.type = `Build System`;
// } else if (commit.type === `chore`) {
// commit.type = `Maintenance`
} else if (commit.type === `ci`) {
commit.type = `Continuous Integration`;
} else {
return null;
if (commit.scope === `*`) {
commit.scope = ``;
if (typeof commit.hash === `string`) {
commit.shortHash = commit.hash.substring(0, 7);
if (typeof commit.subject === `string`) {
let url = context.repository ? `${}/${context.owner}/${context.repository}` : context.repoUrl;
if (url) {
url = `${url}/issues/`;
// Issue URLs.
commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, (_, issue) => {
return `[#${issue}](${url}${issue})`;
if ( {
// User URLs.
commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/\B@([a-z0-9](?:-?[a-z0-9/]){0,38})/g, (_, username) => {
if (username.includes('/')) {
return `@${username}`;
return `[@${username}](${}/${username})`;
// remove references that already appear in the subject
commit.references = commit.references.filter((reference) => {
if (issues.indexOf(reference.issue) === -1) {
return true;
return false;
return commit;
module.exports = config;