- Aug 31, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
## [4.3.2](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/daniel.dehennin/laboite/compare/release/4.3.1...release/4.3.2) (2022-08-31) ### Build System * **husky:** disable husky in pre push hook ([1f2e141e](1f2e141e)) * **husky:** update command that disable husky if ci running ([cd48af19](cd48af19)) ### Documentation * **readme:** fake readme ([a4e17088](a4e17088))
Daniel Dehennin authored
Daniel Dehennin authored
Daniel Dehennin authored
- Aug 26, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
## [4.3.1](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0...release/4.3.1) (2022-08-26) ### Bug Fixes * **animation:** replace url video from dijon.beta to podeduc ([d0a9d7b1](alphabet/laboite@d0a9d7b1))
Luc Bourdot authored
Resolve "Changer l'url de la vidéo d'introduction" See merge request alphabet/laboite!621
Jason LAVIGNE authored
- Jul 04, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.2.6...release/4.3.0) (2022-07-04) ### Bug Fixes * **admin:** fix user page view in small & medium devices ([523ceff6](alphabet/laboite@523ceff6)) * **admingroup:** fix close finder ([9265fb35](alphabet/laboite@9265fb35)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([d2b0157a](alphabet/laboite@d2b0157a)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([21a4c387](alphabet/laboite@21a4c387)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([f4b05065](alphabet/laboite@f4b05065)) * **articles:** fix audio recording upload ([7ecb4723](alphabet/laboite@7ecb4723)) * **articles:** tweak toast plugin to fix i18n ([c736edee](alphabet/laboite@c736edee)) * **blog:** fix internal blog ([6c183658](alphabet/laboite@6c183658)) * **blog:** remove useless chevron button on articles ([222752dd](alphabet/laboite@222752dd)) * **contact:** fix display mail and css on fields ([f38119b2](alphabet/laboite@f38119b2)) * **contact:** fix structure and captcha if user is not active ([65c0e523](alphabet/laboite@65c0e523)) * **deps:** update axios version ([87fd0330](alphabet/laboite@87fd0330)) * **duplicate:** remove code clones ([8ad63a72](alphabet/laboite@8ad63a72)) * **events:** fix event url in group events ([fa116b5e](alphabet/laboite@fa116b5e)) * **finder:** close finder if another is opening ([97e11a21](alphabet/laboite@97e11a21)) * **fonts:** fix import path for material icons ([49a5a870](alphabet/laboite@49a5a870)) * **global:** revert commit ([6d16e3f5](alphabet/laboite@6d16e3f5)) * **group:** fix console error when group is deleted ([9230149f](alphabet/laboite@9230149f)) * **group:** fix console error when group is deleting ([22ed5cc3](alphabet/laboite@22ed5cc3)) * **group:** fix error when removing a group from it's edition page ([1c4bd194](alphabet/laboite@1c4bd194)) * **group:** fix import members of another group ([c41d2175](alphabet/laboite@c41d2175)) * **group:** fix rocket chat hook ([0dc82104](alphabet/laboite@0dc82104)) * **group:** fix rocketchat hook ([1510a55c](alphabet/laboite@1510a55c)) * **groups:** add hooks for add members from another group ([1728e465](alphabet/laboite@1728e465)) * **groups:** fix hooks ([80ba1329](alphabet/laboite@80ba1329)) * **groups:** fix hooks ([baf13a95](alphabet/laboite@baf13a95)) * **groups:** fix redirect when admin a group ([fcbf9baa](alphabet/laboite@fcbf9baa)) * **groups:** improve loop and fix hook ([6e47a311](alphabet/laboite@6e47a311)) * **help:** fix sort categories really ([79d7c129](alphabet/laboite@79d7c129)) * **help:** sort category array ([717293eb](alphabet/laboite@717293eb)) * **hook:** show structure name with useEffect ([53490a7c](alphabet/laboite@53490a7c)) * **i18n:** add missing translation for profile ([796f5cdf](alphabet/laboite@796f5cdf)) * **i18n:** add missing translations for profile ([41acfbf4](alphabet/laboite@41acfbf4)) * **i18n:** add traduction ([bf9c4b13](alphabet/laboite@bf9c4b13)) * **i18n:** fix json imports ([017139f6](alphabet/laboite@017139f6)) * **i18n:** fix typo in profileStructureSelection i18n ([cf96eb0a](alphabet/laboite@cf96eb0a)) * **i18n:** inject i18n in html ([ca8caede](alphabet/laboite@ca8caede)) * **i18n:** move folder to avoid default import ([f1b6990b](alphabet/laboite@f1b6990b)) * **i18n:** use correct key spellingf or menu item ([62be4ace](alphabet/laboite@62be4ace)) * **import:** import handleresult ([535d4f84](alphabet/laboite@535d4f84)) * **into structure:** introduction is not displayed if content empty ([5cc98f3c](alphabet/laboite@5cc98f3c)) * **lint:** remove button ([ce102916](alphabet/laboite@ce102916)) * **lint:** remove handleresult in adminservicepage ([79ded6f7](alphabet/laboite@79ded6f7)) * **login:** change mobile breakpoint to muis ([741ccf8e](alphabet/laboite@741ccf8e)) * **minio check:** refactor permissions checks for minio ([b14e367b](alphabet/laboite@b14e367b)) * **minio check:** structure admin check updated ([0a1c40b5](alphabet/laboite@0a1c40b5)) * **nclocator:** update nclocator field if empty or not exists ([31b40edf](alphabet/laboite@31b40edf)) * **nextcloud:** disable nextcloud group synchronization ([7a5fb404](alphabet/laboite@7a5fb404)) * **notifications:** reduce server calls, translate rate limiter error ([dba46933](alphabet/laboite@dba46933)) * **notifs:** add notifs types enums ([598b2231](alphabet/laboite@598b2231)) * **offline ui:** offline services does not longer have react error ([5855b158](alphabet/laboite@5855b158)) * **package:** update package-lock.json ([1dc10171](alphabet/laboite@1dc10171)) * **plugins:** check if plugins hooks should run ([edf9aa24](alphabet/laboite@edf9aa24)) * **profile ui:** use bold text for attached structure name ([115df2d8](alphabet/laboite@115df2d8)) * **profile ui:** use clearer choose structure button ([bb835217](alphabet/laboite@bb835217)) * **route:** profile selection route has correct format ([04b4c47e](alphabet/laboite@04b4c47e)) * **service admin ui:** structure name show correctly on edit ([9e74d6d4](alphabet/laboite@9e74d6d4)) * **service hook:** add a way to fetch structure ([ba7b2cab](alphabet/laboite@ba7b2cab)) * **service:** better error message on service edit ([2bcc7451](alphabet/laboite@2bcc7451)) * **services:** structure admin can delete its childs services ([a49c24fe](alphabet/laboite@a49c24fe)) * **structure ui:** reduce spinner occurence ([dff70cea](alphabet/laboite@dff70cea)) * **structure update:** exclude concerned structure from search query ([ae8fa588](alphabet/laboite@ae8fa588)) * **structure update:** use correct regex to search same name ([30bb8657](alphabet/laboite@30bb8657)) * **styles:** fix text field icon left padding ([16a5316a](alphabet/laboite@16a5316a)) * **test:** fix import ([4d82dfe7](alphabet/laboite@4d82dfe7)) * **ui:** add margin for add zone button and link to service ([21b76f27](alphabet/laboite@21b76f27)) * **ui:** add missing icon import for service table ([8d95ae95](alphabet/laboite@8d95ae95)) * **ui:** fix console error in contact form ([807edec6](alphabet/laboite@807edec6)) * **ui:** fix console error in notifications page ([bbea02fc](alphabet/laboite@bbea02fc)) * **ui:** fix console error on nextcloud checkbox ([8d0c8c64](alphabet/laboite@8d0c8c64)) * **ui:** fix console errors in profil page ([b4edb3fa](alphabet/laboite@b4edb3fa)) * **ui:** fix duplicate onclick event ([bb0884cd](alphabet/laboite@bb0884cd)) * **ui:** fix footer default height ([69132a19](alphabet/laboite@69132a19)) * **ui:** tree view does wait for data reactivity to render childs ([0403f525](alphabet/laboite@0403f525)) * **url:** modify link markup to include previous url ([88ff527e](alphabet/laboite@88ff527e)) * **widget:** fix connected widget & information tab ([86ce264e](alphabet/laboite@86ce264e)) * **widget:** improve behavior on desktop ([421a8ce6](alphabet/laboite@421a8ce6)) ### Code Refactoring * **hook:** add optional dependency array to usePagination ([49f9476f](alphabet/laboite@49f9476f)) * **introduction:** use helper function to get correct introduction ([de37963c](alphabet/laboite@de37963c)) * **jscpd:** remove code duplicates ([c44d7c65](alphabet/laboite@c44d7c65)) * **logo:** change rizomo logos ([3a26a808](alphabet/laboite@3a26a808)) * **structure info:** add parameter to show or not structures info ([91dfb32d](alphabet/laboite@91dfb32d)) * **structures:** improve tree view selection ([a12a7676](alphabet/laboite@a12a7676)) ### Features * **analytics:** add matomo ([40b92d87](alphabet/laboite@40b92d87)) * **auth:** add expiration session in settings ([b7b016e3](alphabet/laboite@b7b016e3)) * **contact:** add autofocus on connected mode ([eab99a8e](alphabet/laboite@eab99a8e)) * **contact:** add autofocus on text on connected mode ([18e1fe0a](alphabet/laboite@18e1fe0a)) * **contact:** add contact form in connected mode ([99a696c8](alphabet/laboite@99a696c8)) * **contact:** disable captcha for connected mode ([1eb7e2a7](alphabet/laboite@1eb7e2a7)) * **context:** add istablet breakpoint in the context ([c0bb2a7c](alphabet/laboite@c0bb2a7c)) * **env:** add two env variables for i18n languages ([8889e7d5](alphabet/laboite@8889e7d5)) * **help:** add help on offline page ([f1946f60](alphabet/laboite@f1946f60)) * **identity:** add logos, dynamic document titles ([1ea62459](alphabet/laboite@1ea62459)) * **introduction:** add app introduction in new information tab ([1fabfee5](alphabet/laboite@1fabfee5)) * **login:** move version number ([2f1006d0](alphabet/laboite@2f1006d0)) * **logo:** no logo feature ([927ee1b4](alphabet/laboite@927ee1b4)) * **matomo:** add doc & fix no matomo mode ([290b4506](alphabet/laboite@290b4506)) * **matomo:** add tracked events on signin page ([d757234c](alphabet/laboite@d757234c)) * **notifs:** add notifications in tabs ([95a0c09f](alphabet/laboite@95a0c09f)) * **profile:** disable structure selection if user is not active ([dc15bf54](alphabet/laboite@dc15bf54)) * **profile:** redirect user to profile is setStructure is success ([57214ed6](alphabet/laboite@57214ed6)) * **profile:** user can choose structure with a tree view ([430789b8](alphabet/laboite@430789b8)) * **services structure:** struc admin can manage services by structure ([07ba5870](alphabet/laboite@07ba5870)) * **services:** user can see services from its structure and parents ([b0d7ce31](alphabet/laboite@b0d7ce31)) * **structure ui:** app level admin can manage multi level structures ([7497405b](alphabet/laboite@7497405b)) * **structure:** add a structure select component and related hook ([3f130fcb](alphabet/laboite@3f130fcb)) * **structure:** add counter on structure's user list ([5a38d81c](alphabet/laboite@5a38d81c)) * **structure:** add current user structure to app context ([d96dc853](alphabet/laboite@d96dc853)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([74b1f73d](alphabet/laboite@74b1f73d)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([c703a2d2](alphabet/laboite@c703a2d2)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([37dec976](alphabet/laboite@37dec976)) * **structures:** structure level admin user can manage sub structures ([2a6628ef](alphabet/laboite@2a6628ef)) * **structure:** structure admin can manage introduction texts ([05b817d1](alphabet/laboite@05b817d1)) * **structure:** user can read structures introduction in info tab ([aebe3af0](alphabet/laboite@aebe3af0)) * **theme:** add eole theme for Laboite ([59f68819](alphabet/laboite@59f68819)) * **ui:** add a custom dialog component ([9ad850c0](alphabet/laboite@9ad850c0)) * **ui:** add help title when it is a modal ([9cdee6ff](alphabet/laboite@9cdee6ff)) * **ui:** change stylesheet source to local source for material icons ([b81c5353](alphabet/laboite@b81c5353)) * **ui:** detail and simple view for services have better icon ([0ed954b3](alphabet/laboite@0ed954b3)) * **ui:** use icons for services display when is mobile ([4518b3fa](alphabet/laboite@4518b3fa)) * **user profile:** user can choose structure with autocompleted select ([decedb9f](alphabet/laboite@decedb9f)) * **users structure:** structure admin can manage users ([d38e1742](alphabet/laboite@d38e1742)) * **utils:** add helper to get current introduction by language ([b9a6db65](alphabet/laboite@b9a6db65)) * **widget:** remove border top left and top right ([d7e7baa0](alphabet/laboite@d7e7baa0)) ### Styles * **admin:** fix back to personnal space visibility ([8547730e](alphabet/laboite@8547730e)) * **version:** move the version into the card ([e59c3aa5](alphabet/laboite@e59c3aa5)) * **widget:** add menu on large widget screen ([716b8ebe](alphabet/laboite@716b8ebe)) * **widget:** change logos ([4f5f7a78](alphabet/laboite@4f5f7a78))
Lionel Morin authored
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "Fix blank page after group removal" See merge request alphabet/laboite!593
- Jul 01, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.8](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.7...release/4.3.0-testing.8) (2022-07-01) ### Bug Fixes * **groups:** fix redirect when admin a group ([fcbf9baa](alphabet/laboite@fcbf9baa))
Bruno Boiget authored
Resolve "fix admin groupe go back" See merge request alphabet/laboite!592
Bruno Boiget authored
Vincent Fontesse authored
semantic-release-bot authored
## [4.2.6](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.2.5...release/4.2.6) (2022-07-01) ### Bug Fixes * **nextcloud:** disable nextcloud group synchronization ([d1458f9b](alphabet/laboite@d1458f9b))
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.7](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.6...release/4.3.0-testing.7) (2022-07-01) ### Bug Fixes * **nextcloud:** disable nextcloud group synchronization ([7a5fb404](alphabet/laboite@7a5fb404))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "Group creation in nextcloud plugin should be disabled" See merge request alphabet/laboite!591
Bruno Boiget authored
- Jun 30, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.6](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.5...release/4.3.0-testing.6) (2022-06-30) ### Bug Fixes * **url:** modify link markup to include previous url ([88ff527e](alphabet/laboite@88ff527e))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "Incorect display when edit group" See merge request alphabet/laboite!589
Vincent Fontesse authored
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.5](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.4...release/4.3.0-testing.5) (2022-06-30) ### Bug Fixes * **notifications:** reduce server calls, translate rate limiter error ([dba46933](dba46933))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "Hotfix: Notification panel performs too many requests when opening" See merge request !587
- Jun 28, 2022
Bruno Boiget authored
- Jun 27, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.4](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.3...release/4.3.0-testing.4) (2022-06-27) ### Bug Fixes * **ui:** add margin for add zone button and link to service ([21b76f27](alphabet/laboite@21b76f27))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "fix display in personal page" See merge request alphabet/laboite!585
Vincent Fontesse authored
- Jun 24, 2022
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.3](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.2...release/4.3.0-testing.3) (2022-06-24) ### Bug Fixes * **events:** fix event url in group events ([fa116b5e](alphabet/laboite@fa116b5e))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "incorrect link url in group event" See merge request alphabet/laboite!583
Bruno Boiget authored
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.2](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.3.0-testing.1...release/4.3.0-testing.2) (2022-06-24) ### Bug Fixes * **plugins:** check if plugins hooks should run ([edf9aa24](alphabet/laboite@edf9aa24))
Lionel Morin authored
semantic-release-bot authored
# [4.3.0-testing.1](https://gitlab.mim-libre.fr/alphabet/laboite/compare/release/4.2.5...release/4.3.0-testing.1) (2022-06-24) ### Bug Fixes * **admin:** fix user page view in small & medium devices ([523ceff6](alphabet/laboite@523ceff6)) * **admingroup:** fix close finder ([9265fb35](alphabet/laboite@9265fb35)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([d2b0157a](alphabet/laboite@d2b0157a)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([21a4c387](alphabet/laboite@21a4c387)) * **app build:** extract hook in another file to build app ([f4b05065](alphabet/laboite@f4b05065)) * **articles:** fix audio recording upload ([7ecb4723](alphabet/laboite@7ecb4723)) * **articles:** tweak toast plugin to fix i18n ([c736edee](alphabet/laboite@c736edee)) * **blog:** fix internal blog ([6c183658](alphabet/laboite@6c183658)) * **blog:** remove useless chevron button on articles ([222752dd](alphabet/laboite@222752dd)) * **contact:** fix display mail and css on fields ([f38119b2](alphabet/laboite@f38119b2)) * **contact:** fix structure and captcha if user is not active ([65c0e523](alphabet/laboite@65c0e523)) * **deps:** update axios version ([87fd0330](alphabet/laboite@87fd0330)) * **duplicate:** remove code clones ([8ad63a72](alphabet/laboite@8ad63a72)) * **finder:** close finder if another is opening ([97e11a21](alphabet/laboite@97e11a21)) * **fonts:** fix import path for material icons ([49a5a870](alphabet/laboite@49a5a870)) * **global:** revert commit ([6d16e3f5](alphabet/laboite@6d16e3f5)) * **group:** fix console error when group is deleted ([9230149f](alphabet/laboite@9230149f)) * **group:** fix console error when group is deleting ([22ed5cc3](alphabet/laboite@22ed5cc3)) * **group:** fix import members of another group ([c41d2175](alphabet/laboite@c41d2175)) * **group:** fix rocket chat hook ([0dc82104](alphabet/laboite@0dc82104)) * **group:** fix rocketchat hook ([1510a55c](alphabet/laboite@1510a55c)) * **groups:** add hooks for add members from another group ([1728e465](alphabet/laboite@1728e465)) * **groups:** fix hooks ([80ba1329](alphabet/laboite@80ba1329)) * **groups:** fix hooks ([baf13a95](alphabet/laboite@baf13a95)) * **groups:** improve loop and fix hook ([6e47a311](alphabet/laboite@6e47a311)) * **help:** fix sort categories really ([79d7c129](alphabet/laboite@79d7c129)) * **help:** sort category array ([717293eb](alphabet/laboite@717293eb)) * **hook:** show structure name with useEffect ([53490a7c](alphabet/laboite@53490a7c)) * **i18n:** add missing translation for profile ([796f5cdf](alphabet/laboite@796f5cdf)) * **i18n:** add missing translations for profile ([41acfbf4](alphabet/laboite@41acfbf4)) * **i18n:** add traduction ([bf9c4b13](alphabet/laboite@bf9c4b13)) * **i18n:** fix json imports ([017139f6](alphabet/laboite@017139f6)) * **i18n:** fix typo in profileStructureSelection i18n ([cf96eb0a](alphabet/laboite@cf96eb0a)) * **i18n:** inject i18n in html ([ca8caede](alphabet/laboite@ca8caede)) * **i18n:** move folder to avoid default import ([f1b6990b](alphabet/laboite@f1b6990b)) * **i18n:** use correct key spellingf or menu item ([62be4ace](alphabet/laboite@62be4ace)) * **import:** import handleresult ([535d4f84](alphabet/laboite@535d4f84)) * **into structure:** introduction is not displayed if content empty ([5cc98f3c](alphabet/laboite@5cc98f3c)) * **lint:** remove button ([ce102916](alphabet/laboite@ce102916)) * **lint:** remove handleresult in adminservicepage ([79ded6f7](alphabet/laboite@79ded6f7)) * **login:** change mobile breakpoint to muis ([741ccf8e](alphabet/laboite@741ccf8e)) * **minio check:** refactor permissions checks for minio ([b14e367b](alphabet/laboite@b14e367b)) * **minio check:** structure admin check updated ([0a1c40b5](alphabet/laboite@0a1c40b5)) * **nclocator:** update nclocator field if empty or not exists ([31b40edf](alphabet/laboite@31b40edf)) * **notifs:** add notifs types enums ([598b2231](alphabet/laboite@598b2231)) * **offline ui:** offline services does not longer have react error ([5855b158](alphabet/laboite@5855b158)) * **package:** update package-lock.json ([1dc10171](alphabet/laboite@1dc10171)) * **profile ui:** use bold text for attached structure name ([115df2d8](alphabet/laboite@115df2d8)) * **profile ui:** use clearer choose structure button ([bb835217](alphabet/laboite@bb835217)) * **route:** profile selection route has correct format ([04b4c47e](alphabet/laboite@04b4c47e)) * **service admin ui:** structure name show correctly on edit ([9e74d6d4](alphabet/laboite@9e74d6d4)) * **service hook:** add a way to fetch structure ([ba7b2cab](alphabet/laboite@ba7b2cab)) * **service:** better error message on service edit ([2bcc7451](alphabet/laboite@2bcc7451)) * **services:** structure admin can delete its childs services ([a49c24fe](alphabet/laboite@a49c24fe)) * **structure ui:** reduce spinner occurence ([dff70cea](alphabet/laboite@dff70cea)) * **structure update:** exclude concerned structure from search query ([ae8fa588](alphabet/laboite@ae8fa588)) * **structure update:** use correct regex to search same name ([30bb8657](alphabet/laboite@30bb8657)) * **styles:** fix text field icon left padding ([16a5316a](alphabet/laboite@16a5316a)) * **test:** fix import ([4d82dfe7](alphabet/laboite@4d82dfe7)) * **ui:** add missing icon import for service table ([8d95ae95](alphabet/laboite@8d95ae95)) * **ui:** fix console error in contact form ([807edec6](alphabet/laboite@807edec6)) * **ui:** fix console error in notifications page ([bbea02fc](alphabet/laboite@bbea02fc)) * **ui:** fix console error on nextcloud checkbox ([8d0c8c64](alphabet/laboite@8d0c8c64)) * **ui:** fix console errors in profil page ([b4edb3fa](alphabet/laboite@b4edb3fa)) * **ui:** fix duplicate onclick event ([bb0884cd](alphabet/laboite@bb0884cd)) * **ui:** fix footer default height ([69132a19](alphabet/laboite@69132a19)) * **ui:** tree view does wait for data reactivity to render childs ([0403f525](alphabet/laboite@0403f525)) * **widget:** fix connected widget & information tab ([86ce264e](alphabet/laboite@86ce264e)) * **widget:** improve behavior on desktop ([421a8ce6](alphabet/laboite@421a8ce6)) ### Code Refactoring * **hook:** add optional dependency array to usePagination ([49f9476f](alphabet/laboite@49f9476f)) * **introduction:** use helper function to get correct introduction ([de37963c](alphabet/laboite@de37963c)) * **jscpd:** remove code duplicates ([c44d7c65](alphabet/laboite@c44d7c65)) * **logo:** change rizomo logos ([3a26a808](alphabet/laboite@3a26a808)) * **structure info:** add parameter to show or not structures info ([91dfb32d](alphabet/laboite@91dfb32d)) * **structures:** improve tree view selection ([a12a7676](alphabet/laboite@a12a7676)) ### Features * **analytics:** add matomo ([40b92d87](alphabet/laboite@40b92d87)) * **auth:** add expiration session in settings ([b7b016e3](alphabet/laboite@b7b016e3)) * **contact:** add autofocus on connected mode ([eab99a8e](alphabet/laboite@eab99a8e)) * **contact:** add autofocus on text on connected mode ([18e1fe0a](alphabet/laboite@18e1fe0a)) * **contact:** add contact form in connected mode ([99a696c8](alphabet/laboite@99a696c8)) * **contact:** disable captcha for connected mode ([1eb7e2a7](alphabet/laboite@1eb7e2a7)) * **context:** add istablet breakpoint in the context ([c0bb2a7c](alphabet/laboite@c0bb2a7c)) * **env:** add two env variables for i18n languages ([8889e7d5](alphabet/laboite@8889e7d5)) * **help:** add help on offline page ([f1946f60](alphabet/laboite@f1946f60)) * **identity:** add logos, dynamic document titles ([1ea62459](alphabet/laboite@1ea62459)) * **introduction:** add app introduction in new information tab ([1fabfee5](alphabet/laboite@1fabfee5)) * **login:** move version number ([2f1006d0](alphabet/laboite@2f1006d0)) * **logo:** no logo feature ([927ee1b4](alphabet/laboite@927ee1b4)) * **matomo:** add doc & fix no matomo mode ([290b4506](alphabet/laboite@290b4506)) * **matomo:** add tracked events on signin page ([d757234c](alphabet/laboite@d757234c)) * **notifs:** add notifications in tabs ([95a0c09f](alphabet/laboite@95a0c09f)) * **profile:** disable structure selection if user is not active ([dc15bf54](alphabet/laboite@dc15bf54)) * **profile:** redirect user to profile is setStructure is success ([57214ed6](alphabet/laboite@57214ed6)) * **profile:** user can choose structure with a tree view ([430789b8](alphabet/laboite@430789b8)) * **services structure:** struc admin can manage services by structure ([07ba5870](alphabet/laboite@07ba5870)) * **services:** user can see services from its structure and parents ([b0d7ce31](alphabet/laboite@b0d7ce31)) * **structure ui:** app level admin can manage multi level structures ([7497405b](alphabet/laboite@7497405b)) * **structure:** add a structure select component and related hook ([3f130fcb](alphabet/laboite@3f130fcb)) * **structure:** add counter on structure's user list ([5a38d81c](alphabet/laboite@5a38d81c)) * **structure:** add current user structure to app context ([d96dc853](alphabet/laboite@d96dc853)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([74b1f73d](alphabet/laboite@74b1f73d)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([c703a2d2](alphabet/laboite@c703a2d2)) * **structures:** make structures data shape multi level ([37dec976](alphabet/laboite@37dec976)) * **structures:** structure level admin user can manage sub structures ([2a6628ef](alphabet/laboite@2a6628ef)) * **structure:** structure admin can manage introduction texts ([05b817d1](alphabet/laboite@05b817d1)) * **structure:** user can read structures introduction in info tab ([aebe3af0](alphabet/laboite@aebe3af0)) * **theme:** add eole theme for Laboite ([59f68819](alphabet/laboite@59f68819)) * **ui:** add a custom dialog component ([9ad850c0](alphabet/laboite@9ad850c0)) * **ui:** add help title when it is a modal ([9cdee6ff](alphabet/laboite@9cdee6ff)) * **ui:** change stylesheet source to local source for material icons ([b81c5353](alphabet/laboite@b81c5353)) * **ui:** detail and simple view for services have better icon ([0ed954b3](alphabet/laboite@0ed954b3)) * **ui:** use icons for services display when is mobile ([4518b3fa](alphabet/laboite@4518b3fa)) * **user profile:** user can choose structure with autocompleted select ([decedb9f](alphabet/laboite@decedb9f)) * **users structure:** structure admin can manage users ([d38e1742](alphabet/laboite@d38e1742)) * **utils:** add helper to get current introduction by language ([b9a6db65](alphabet/laboite@b9a6db65)) * **widget:** remove border top left and top right ([d7e7baa0](alphabet/laboite@d7e7baa0)) ### Styles * **admin:** fix back to personnal space visibility ([8547730e](alphabet/laboite@8547730e)) * **version:** move the version into the card ([e59c3aa5](alphabet/laboite@e59c3aa5)) * **widget:** add menu on large widget screen ([716b8ebe](alphabet/laboite@716b8ebe)) * **widget:** change logos ([4f5f7a78](alphabet/laboite@4f5f7a78))
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "footer in help page isn't at the bottom of the page" Closes #165 See merge request alphabet/laboite!581
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "error console in personal page" Closes #160 See merge request alphabet/laboite!582
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "Contact Form" Closes #173 See merge request alphabet/laboite!580
Lionel Morin authored
Resolve "disable structure selection on profile when user not validated" Closes #171 See merge request alphabet/laboite!579
- Jun 23, 2022
Vincent Fontesse authored
Vincent Fontesse authored